Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Welcome to Barack Obama: The Human Dignity President


Dr. Hashim El-Tinay

Washington, DC

Jan 17th, 2009

"Injustice anywhere, is a Threat to Justice everywhere!" Dr. Martin Luther King Junior

We have 2 days to go before we celebrate Martin Luther King's birthday and 3 days to go before President-elect BARACK OBAMA takes the oath of office and makes history. A history of becoming the first American President whose humanist and inclusive vision was embraced by a majority of Americans, and by most people around the World, white and black, rich and poor, young and old, followers of all religions and followers of no religion. That is the good news!

The bad news is that, never before had Mother Earth faced such danger as global warming. Because of man's inhumanity to man; and because of greed andlove of power for worldly gains, human civilization and the culture wars and wars in the name of God and religion put humanity in great peril. We are at a water shed in human history.

OBAMA inherits a catastrophically complicated economic, financial and security mess that requires Divine intervention and Herculian human action to be overcome. For OBAMA to succeed, we all need to do our part wherever we are and in whatever we do.

The friendship, donations and faith of our friends and supporters has sustained us to be able to witness and participate in America's November 4th, 2008 historic elections. We had the honor and the privilege to canvass, work the phones and advocate for OBAMA. We thus humbly contributed and participated in this historic victory of good common sense over ideology, fundamentalism and fanaticism.

OBAMA, from our perspective, is a brilliant scholar, representing a new generation of Americans who are also global actors. He is the political expression of the vision we have been trying to share with the World since 1985.

More than just a white or a black President, BARACK OBAMA embodies a legitimate yearning of all peoples to break free from the dominant culture of greed, immoral cynicism [as revealed by the Wall Street financial melt down] and the small and zero sum politics-as-usual to an inclusive and a trancendental politics of meaning.

For this we are glad to invite you to please join the inauguration of our BLOG:THEPEACEQUEST, (

This is an invitation to continue our conversation for deepening and renewing the American dream, by delving in how we can realize a more perfect union and for societal RENEWAL, here in America, through upholding the values of justice and peace, locally and globally.

Together we can do it!


In peace/salam



Dr. Hashim El-Tinay
Founder, President, CEO

The International Peace Quest Instityte (IPQI}
Salam Sudan Foundation (SSF)

The International Peace Quest Institute IPQI-SSF's vision and mission was first registered in Paris, France in 1985. In 2002 it was incorporated as a Washington, DC-based 501 (C) 3 non-profit think tank/ Advocacy NGO. In 2005 it established branch offices in Nairobi, Kenya and Khartoum, Sudan.

IPQI-SSF's vision and mission is to promote a more enlightened approach to public policy and governance, locally and globally, by upholding the values of justice, peace, democracy, human dignity, rights and development, through a deeper grasp and respect of cultural diversity.

IPQI-SSF strive to serve its justice, peace and development mission through research, education, training, cooperation and awareness, building on the common ground shared by all people, and by promoting and engaging in a thoughtful dialogue of cultures, civilizations and religions.

Consultant international affairs: African & Middle Eastern Cultures
Freelance Interpreter/Translator [Arabic, English, French]

1615 L Street NW
Suite 340
Washington, DC 20036

202-429-0222 office
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